
Roncero: Real Madrid suffers from island syndrome, losing four points in two picturesque tourist resorts

In the La Liga match, Real Madrid drew with Las Palmas away. After the game, Long Sero, the editor-in-chief of "As" and a well-known Real Madrid fan, wrote an analysis of the game.

Real Madrid has a luxurious forward line, but it struggled in the game and always lost its direction when attacking. This August, we saw a Real Madrid that seemed sluggish in the first half, lacking the aggressiveness of confrontation, and the pressure on defense seemed too conservative.

I don't know if this is "island syndrome". They lost two points in the Balearic Islands (to Mallorca), and now they have lost another two points in the Canary Islands (to Las Palmas). The two picturesque tourist destinations have become a sea of ​​doubts for the White Army.

Until the halftime break, I didn't see Real Madrid showing the anger to repair the bad start. In the end, with a very obvious penalty kick, Real Madrid equalized the score.
