
Unleashing the Power of Miss Fortune: A Guide to Building the Perfect ADC

Part 1: Unleashing Miss Fortune's Potential

Miss Fortune, the Bounty Hunter of Bilgewater, is a deadly marksman capable of raining havoc on her enemies with her dual pistols and explosive abilities. As an ADC (Attack Damage Carry), she excels at dealing consistent physical damage from a safe distance while also possessing the utility to turn teamfights in her favor. In this guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of building Miss Fortune as an ADC to maximize her potential and carry your team to victory.

Understanding Miss Fortune's Kit

Before diving into her build, it's crucial to understand Miss Fortune's abilities and how they synergize with her itemization. Her passive, Love Tap, causes her basic attacks to deal bonus damage to targets she has recently hit with abilities, encouraging a playstyle that combines both auto-attacks and spellcasting.

Her Q ability, Double Up, allows her to shoot a target with bonus damage, which can then bounce to a nearby enemy if the first target is killed or out of range. This ability is her main source of poke in lane and can be devastating when used correctly to harass opponents.

Make it Rain, her W ability, creates an area of slow that also applies her passive, making it easier to trigger Love Tap and deal additional damage in teamfights or skirmishes. Bullet Time, her ultimate R, is a channeling ability that unleashes a barrage of bullets in a cone in front of her, dealing massive damage to all enemies caught in its path.

The Core Build: Items for Domination

Now let's talk about the core items that will amplify Miss Fortune's damage output and make her a force to be reckoned with on the Rift. Starting with her essential items:

Kraken Slayer: This mythic item synergizes perfectly with Miss Fortune's kit, granting her bonus attack speed, critical strike chance, and a powerful on-hit effect that deals bonus true damage every third attack. This item significantly boosts her damage output and is a must-have in almost every game.

Infinity Edge: As a critical strike-focused ADC, Infinity Edge is a staple item for Miss Fortune. It further increases her critical strike damage and grants bonus critical strike chance, making her basic attacks and abilities hit like a truck.

The Collector: This item not only provides critical strike chance and attack damage but also has a unique passive that executes low-health enemies, making it easier for Miss Fortune to secure kills and snowball in teamfights.

Part 2: Fine-Tuning Your Build and Mastering Runes

Now that we've covered the core items, let's delve deeper into fine-tuning your build based on the game's dynamics and mastering the optimal runes for Miss Fortune.

Fine-Tuning Your Build

Essence Reaver: This item synergizes well with Miss Fortune's mana needs and cooldown reduction. The mana restoration passive ensures she can spam her abilities in teamfights without running out of mana, while the cooldown reduction allows her to use her ultimate more frequently, turning the tide of battles.

Rapid Firecannon: Adding this item to your build increases Miss Fortune's range for her basic attacks, allowing her to safely poke enemies from a distance and position herself better in teamfights. The bonus critical strike chance and attack speed are also valuable stats for her damage output.

Guardian Angel: As a squishy ADC, survivability is crucial for Miss Fortune. Guardian Angel not only provides armor and attack damage but also revives her upon death, giving her a second chance to turn the fight in her team's favor.

Mastering Runes for Miss Fortune

Now let's talk about the optimal rune setup to complement Miss Fortune's build and playstyle:

Primary Path - Precision:

Keystone Rune - Press the Attack: This rune synergizes well with Miss Fortune's ability to stack damage on a single target. After hitting an enemy champion three times, they take increased damage from all sources, amplifying her burst potential.Legend: Bloodline: This rune provides lifesteal as the game progresses, allowing Miss Fortune to sustain in teamfights and skirmishes.Cut Down: Against tankier compositions, Cut Down increases your damage against high-health targets, ensuring you remain relevant throughout the game.

Secondary Path - Domination:

Eyeball Collection: This rune grants bonus adaptive damage for each champion takedown, rewarding aggressive play and snowballing advantages.Ultimate Hunter: Cooldown reduction on Miss Fortune's ultimate is invaluable, as it can single-handedly win teamfights. Ultimate Hunter reduces the cooldown of her ultimate each time she scores a takedown, allowing for more frequent and impactful ultimates.

By mastering these runes and fine-tuning your build, you'll unlock Miss Fortune's true potential as an ADC and become a formidable force on the Rift. Remember to adapt your build and playstyle based on the specific game circumstances, enemy team composition, and objectives on the map. With practice and dedication, you'll lead your team to victory with Miss Fortune's unrivaled firepower and cunning tactics.
